Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine which involves using needles in skin to relieve pain. If you're a professional acupuncture therapist, it's vital that you have the best equipment possible to carry out your craft, and our range of acupuncture products have been designed to best deliver the pain relief benefits acupuncture can offer. Shop Now |
Cold therapy is a fantastic way to help with your recovery and rehabilitation. By constricting the blood vessels, cold therapy helps to reduce inflammation and pain by reducing the blood supply to the injury. For best effect, it should be applied no later than 48 hours after the injury, otherwise it isn't as effective and can actually slow the healing process. Shop Now |
After suffering a muscle injury, Compression Therapy is often the most effective treatment, as it can stabilise the muscles while promoting blood flow and speedy recovery. This therapy can also reduce swelling and inflammation, allowing the muscle to recover and reducing pain at the same time. Try our range of compression therapy products and see first hand how they can improve your recovery process. Shop Now |
Crutches are an important part of most rehabilitation processes. They enable you to become more mobile while still giving your body the support it needs to continue to heal without injuring it further. So it's important that you have the right type of crutches under you, supporting you in just the right way. Shop Now |
There are many sling and braces on the market to help you stabilise your injury to allow full recovery to take place, but few possess the quality of Donjoy's. At Think Sport we have a range of Donjoy Arm Slings that are sure to help you recover, with secure, breathable designs for optimal comfort and immobilisation. Shop Now |
Every sports physiotherapy clinic and practitioner needs a high quality examination couch to be able to treat their patients adequately. Without a wide range of examination couch accessories though, physiotherapists will be forced to waste time locating tools or securing their patient. Our accessories at Think Sport allow physios easy access to critical tools without stepping away from the table. Shop Now |
Revitalise your body and promote healing with our range of Infrared Heat Therapy Devices. From rejuvenating infrared lamps to hand-held massagers, with our range of infrared heat therapy devices, you can have the support you need to improve your wellbeing and overcome a variety of conditions including muscle tightness, general body pain and colds. Shop Now |
There are plenty of methods out there to tackle back and muscle pain, but few boast the intuitive and effective principles behind Inversion Therapy. This therapy decompresses the spine, helping to release tension, relieve pain and increase circulation. Certain inversion therapy products also allow the user access to a challenging workout, where they must work against the forces of gravity to move. Shop Now |
In recent years, there has been an explosion in the use of Kinesiology Tape among the world's top athletes, both for recovery and performance. Improved blood flow, increased range of motion and pain reduction are all benefits to be gained from it's use, speeding up rehab and boosting endurance. A wide range of tapes are available from Think Sport. Shop Now |
One of the key processes of any rehabilitation from serious injury is the regaining and redevelopment of motor skills. At Think Sport, we have a range of equipment and devices to help you regain these crucial motor skills, allowing you to get back to doing what you love at your highest capacity. A range of hand, leg and full body motor skills products are available. Shop Now |
At Think Sport, we're concerned about the amount of muscle atrophy that occurs in the UK as a result of lack of activity. This can happen due to an injury to a specific part of the body, or just a general lack of movement for any reason. That's why we have a range of physical fitness problems aimed at reducing and battling muscle atrophy, helping you get fit, stay fit and say goodbye to atrophy for good. Shop Now |
Whether you're recovering from injury or striving to improve your physical performance, the speed of your body's ability to react at a moment's notice is a great indicator of your progress. At Think Sport, we have a range of reaction testing equipment to help you improve and maintain your reaction speeds, enabling your fast-twitch muscle fibres to gain strength and speed. Shop Now |
When you're recovering from an injury, it's important to make sure the injured area stays free from movement in order to allow it to heal properly and promptly. Our range of splints & slings cover all parts of the body to support you regardless of your area of injury. Buy today and ensure yourself a smooth recovery. Shop Now |
Strength is a universally important factor, both for recovery and athletic performance. At Think Sport, we have a wide range of strength testing equipment to let you know exactly where you stand in your training or journey towards recovery. Try them today and experience the motivation and fitness milestones for yourself. Shop Now |
Bunions form when the tissue or bone of the big or little toe moves out of place. Don't let bunions stop you from getting the most out of your sports or gym session. While they can only be fixed completely with surgery, you can find relief from bunion pain and prevent further deformity of the toes with our selection of toe spreaders and bunion correctors. Shop Now |
After a significant fracture of the back as a result of an accident or surgery, ensuring the spine is kept aligned and supported is crucial for your recovery. Our TLSO Braces, also known as Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Orthosis Braces, are designed to keep your spine aligned to reduce pain and allow the healing process to take place. Shop Now |
When it comes to recovering from a muscle injury, blood flow is key. The most effective therapies promote good circulation and blood flow, allowing the muscle to cycle in new, oxygenated blood to facilitate rehabilitation. Vacuum therapy is increasingly used as a method toward this end, enhancing blood flow and the subsequent recovery that it promotes. Shop Now |
During your journey towards recovery, it's important to ensure that your legs and feet are well protecting. Likewise, most people cannot afford to sit around off their feet for months on end, so a solution is necessary that allows for both mobility and recovery. Our range of Walkers & Fracture Boots are designed to protect your feet, while letting you stay on the move. Shop Now |