- Includes the Back Cryo Cuff and Automatic IC Cooler
- Cooler provides up to eight hours of cryotherapy
- Ideal for helping you get back on your feet
- Helps minimise swelling and reduce pain
- Anatomical design covers the calf to maximise efficacy
- Cooler provides up to eight hours of cryotherapy
- Combines the Cryo Calf Cuff and IC Cooler
- Helps minimise swelling and reduce pain
- Includes the Calf Cryo/Cuff and Gravity Cooler
- Cooler provides up to eight hours of cryotherapy
- Combines cold therapy and compression
- Helps minimise swelling and reduce pain
- Cooler provides up to eight hours of cryotherapy
- Helps minimise swelling and reduce pain
- Includes the Elbow Cuff and IC Cooler
- Helps you return to your daily routine
- Includes the Elbow Cryo Cuff and Cooler Unit
- Cooler provides up to eight hours of cryotherapy
- Helps minimise swelling and reduce pain
- Provides cold therapy and compression
(1) - Combines the Foot Cryo Cuff and IC Cooler 
- Anatomical cuff designed to cover the foot
- Helps minimise swelling and reduce pain
- Provides up to eight hours of cryotherapy
- Includes the Foot Cryo Cuff and Gravity Cooler Unit
- Cooler provides up to eight hours of cryotherapy
- Ideal for helping you get back on your feet
- Helps minimise swelling and reduce pain
- Includes the Hand and Wrist Cuff and IC Cooler
- Cooler provides up to eight hours of cryotherapy
- Helps minimise swelling and reduce pain
- Semi-automated system is easy to use
(1) - Combines the Hand and Wrist Cuff with the Cooler Unit
- Cooler provides up to eight hours of cryotherapy
- Helps minimise swelling and reduce pain
- Cooler uses a simple gravity-fed system
(23) - Full set including the Aircast Knee Cryo Cuff and Gravity Cooler Unit
- Helps to efficiently and effectively relieve pain and reduce swelling
- Provides continuous, targeted cold therapy directly to the knee
- As used by professional athletes and sportspeople
- Combines the Paediatric Ankle Cuff and IC Cooler
- Cost-effective solution for purchasing support and unit
- Cooler provides up to eight hours of cryotherapy
- Helps minimise swelling and reduce pain
- Includes a Paediatric Ankle Cryo Cuff and Gravity Cooler
- Designed for children aged between one and seven years
- Cooler provides up to eight hours of cryotherapy
- Helps minimise swelling and reduce pain
- Includes the Shoulder Cuff and IC Cooler
- Made with an integrated pump for easy use
- Provides targeted pain relief in the area
- Designed to fit the shoulder properly
(1) - Ideal for a wide range of conditions, including sporting injuries
- Gravity-fed system makes it easy to administer cold therapy
- Anatomical design covers the shoulder area completely
- Helps reduce swelling and discomfort in the area
- Includes the Thigh Cryo Cuff and IC Cooler
- Cooler provides up to eight hours of cryotherapy
- Helps minimise swelling and reduce pain
- Level of compression can be altered
A wire tree with 25 bends in 152cm of wire -
Position the wrist, elbow and shoulder properly to slide the disc from one end to the other -
Exercise can be timed and forearm weights in other variations -
Increase range of motion in fingers, hand, elbow and shoulder |
New hypoallergenic, natural massage lotion -
Essential oils including lavender and bergamot -
Ease aching muscles and stimulate the blood -
Completely preservative free |
Especially designed for longer massages. Excellent lubricating properties. Economical and skin friendly. Provides intensive hydration to the skin.