Training Guides

2 February 2016
Do running socks help?

If you're serious about your running, you'll explore every avenue for improvement. Shaving seconds off your time is significant, so if your socks can make a difference then it makes sense to try something new on your feet. Running socks come in many different shapes and sizes, but do they help?

2 February 2016  |  Alex
Prepare for marathon season

26 miles is a daunting distance for anybody to run, and yet thousands of people do just that every year. Inspired by the tale of Phidippides' dash from Athens to Marathon (and back) the modern marathon is one of the peak accomplishments of many runners. While Phidippides ended up dying from exhaustion, there are a number of products available today that can ensure a better outcome for you.

1 February 2016
Running injury treatment

Running is great for your health. It can help you burn calories, lose weight, become fitter and reduce the chances of you contracting a range of conditions. With all the benefits, though, there are inevitably side-effects, chiefly injury. Running injuries can range from aches, pains and soreness to more serious conditions affecting primarily the lower body.

22 January 2016
Core, Blimey: Exercises for Runners

What do you need core exercisers for? You’re a runner, and the only thing runners need are a good pair of legs, right? Wrong! Sure, you wouldn’t be a very good runner if you neglected your legs, but you’ll never be a great runner if you neglect your core!

18 January 2016
Yoga Benefits: Not Just a Workout

Are you a yoga guru? Are you in touch with your inner spirituality? Do you even know what “om” means? If the answer to any of these questions is no then we suggest you read on. Whether you’re looking to enhance your mental wellbeing, improve your physical strength and flexibility, or a combination of the two, there’s something for everyone in yoga!

15 January 2016
The Benefits of Pilates

Most of you will have heard of Pilates, but are you really clued up about it? You may have some understanding of the practice, the words ‘mats’ and ‘balance’ and ‘core strength’ vaguely springing to mind. But for a more in-depth exploration of what Pilates is, what it does and whether you can benefit from it, read on.

30 November 2015
Serola Belt - The Choice of the Professionals

Lower back pain is one of the most common ailments and it affects millions of people around the world daily. If you're in constant pain, it's hard to concentrate even on daily tasks, let alone being able to perform at your best during athletic activity. The pain may cause you to miss work, miss games and just generally reduce your quality of life. Equally, you may not currently have any issues, but are at a greater risk of damaging your back, side or hips, for instance if you play a contact sport like rugby. This could be a thing of the past though, if you introduce the Serola Belt into your training.

16 November 2015
How to Use Gravity Boots

With the widespread nature of back issues, inversion therapy has come along as a great solution to deal with conditions such as trapped nerves, spinal compression, sciatica and many other related injuries. These conditions can cause people to miss work, or take time off from their favourite sports or activities. Gravity Boots suspend the the user upside down, and allow for stretching and exercise without potentially harmful compression, or the risks of using heavy weights.

13 November 2015
Gravity Boots - The Benefits

With the widespread nature of back issues, inversion therapy has come along as a great solution to deal with conditions such as trapped nerves, spinal compression, sciatica and many other related injuries. These conditions can drastically affect peoples' quality of life, and cause them to miss work, or take time off from their favourite sports or activities. Inversion tables work by inverting the user at various angles to relieve pain, improve flexibility and reduce nerve pressure, but gravity boots take this a step further by suspending the user completely upside down.

11 November 2015
Foam Rollers for Your Hamstrings

Foam Rollers, as have been discussed in previous articles, are excellent tools for relieving aches, pains and stiffness. If you have an active lifestyle then you're likely to experience some of the unfortunate side effects of this. Stiff, sore muscles can reduce your performance and leave you unwilling to train as frequently or as hard, and can make you more susceptible to injury.

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